Eyeing Relief this Allergy Season? Here’s How You Can Survive Eye Allergies in Jamaica

Eye Allergies in Jamaica

It’s that time again- that dreaded sniffing, coughing, nose-blowing time of the year that affects up 400 million people worldwide, according to a study in the National Bureau of Economic Research. Allergy Season. According to the World Allergy Association (WAO), 10%-30% of adults globally are affected by seasonal allergies.

But, what does this mean for our eyes in Jamaica?

Not only are our eyes the windows to our soul, but they’re also the prime target of seasonal eye allergies. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, eye allergies, also known as allergic conjunctivitis, occur when the eyes become irritated by allergens. This leads to the production of histamine by the eyes to help fight off the allergens which results in the conjunctiva, the clear tissue covering the whites of your eyes, becoming inflamed.

This inflammation leads to the red, watery, itchy eyes that are commonly experienced during allergy season. The severity of your symptoms depends heavily on the allergen that is triggering your body’s response. Common seasonal allergens include:

  • Pollen from trees and grass
  • Dust 
  • Mold

When addressing seasonal eye allergies, it’s always best to get a professional assessment of your symptoms. A visit to your ophthalmologist, available at Premier Optical, is essential to getting the right diagnosis and treatment for your symptoms. However, there are certain preventive care tips that can help reduce the impact of seasonal allergies on your eyes.

Here are 6 ways you stay ahead of your allergies in Jamaica with Premier Optical

  1. Know Your Triggers
  2. Children are more Susceptible
  3. Limit exposure and protect yourself during Sahara Dust warnings
  4. Improve your eye hygiene
  5. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medication
  6. Visit an expert eye doctor in Jamaica

1. Is it allergies or dry eyes? Know your Triggers

The first step in getting ahead of your seasonal allergies is properly identifying your symptoms. The most common symptoms of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis include:

  • Redness
  • Watery eyes
  • Burning/ Itchy eyes
  • Swollen eyes

However, these symptoms are also associated with other common eye conditions in Jamaica such as dry eyes. According to the National Eye Institute, dry eyes occur when the eyes do not produce enough tears resulting in irritation and discomfort. Though the symptoms are similar, the triggers for each condition are different.

For allergic conjunctivitis:

  • Contact with allergens such as pollen from grass and trees, and mold result in the eyes producing histamine which causes the symptoms.

For dry eyes:

  • Environmental factors such as dry, windy weather air conditioning and prolonged digital screen time result in dry eyes, leading to insufficient tear production.

Understanding these triggers can help you to better treat the causes of your eye discomfort during allergy season in Jamaica. If allergies are triggering your eye problems, there are various ways to reduce your symptoms, including knowing which group is more vulnerable to developing seasonal allergies.

2. Children are more susceptible to eye allergies in Jamaica

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, allergic conjunctivitis affects approximately 30% of children worldwide. A study conducted in Jamaica found that 25% of children had hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis caused by contact with allergens such as pollen. The symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis can interfere with the daily activities, making it hard for them to concentrate in school and other activities. Over-the-counter or prescription allergy eye drops and antihistamines can help to alleviate symptoms and manage inflammation.

Additionally, it’s essential for parents to consult with an eye care professional before administering any medications to children, especially young ones. Proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment recommendations tailored to the child’s age and medical history are crucial for managing allergic conjunctivitis effectively. Premier Optical offers comprehensive eye exams for children, allowing for the proper detection and treatment of eye problems, including allergies.

3. Limit Exposure to allergens and protect yourself during Sahara Dust warnings

A great way to reduce the impact of seasonal allergies is through the use of protective wear. Eyeglasses serve as a physical barrier between your eyes and pollen. It lowers the likelihood of common irritants getting into the eye.

In addition, it reduces your risk of getting dust and any other pollutants from the air into your eyes. Keep up-to-date with weather updates regarding Sahara Dust warnings in Jamaica. Exposure to the dust can increase your allergy symptoms. The Caribbean Public Health Agency warns that due to poor air quality during the Sahara Dust episodes, it can worsen symptoms in those who suffer from allergies, asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

Premier Optical offers a wide range of frames that can help you to stay safe this allergy season and provides a layer of defence against the Sahara Dust in Jamaica.

4. Improve your eye hygiene

Ensure that you wash your hands regularly to reduce the transfer of allergens into your eyes. Additionally, avoid rubbing your eyes frequently, especially if your hands were not washed beforehand.

Limiting contact with your eyes reduces the possibility of transferring germs and allergens to the eye. Keeping indoor environments clean can also help reduce the frequency and severity of eye allergy symptoms.

5. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medication

To reduce the discomfort from your symptoms, over- the-counter medication may help you to overcome allergy season. Common OTC medication such as antihistamine eye drops can help to alleviate your symptoms. Antihistamines work by blocking the effects of histamine, a chemical released by the immune system in response to allergens.

Though OTC medication may offer some relief, if your symptoms continue or worsen, a visit to an ophthalmologist may be required. Visit Premier Optical to get an accurate assessment of your eye conditions.

6. Visit an expert eye doctor in Jamaica

If your allergy symptoms worsen, a visit to the ophthalmologist is recommended. Your ophthalmologist will be able to assess your symptoms and ensure you get treated for the right problem. They are also able to prescribe prescription medication that may be needed to properly alleviate your symptoms. In addition to eye drops, oral antihistamines may also be prescribed to manage systemic allergy symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, and itching of the throat. 

Our expert ophthalmologist at Premier Optical can detect and treat all your eye issues.

Book an Appointment Today!

If you or anyone you know are struggling with eye allergies this season, Premier Optical has got your back. Visit our office in Kingston, Jamaica today to get relief from your eye allergies.
